Tattoo Artists can provide a variety of services to their clients. There are special risks that are associated with each. Commercial Insurance Marketing Corp knows and understands the needs and risks your business faces. We have a specialty Tattoo Artist package that covers you for those special risks and offers multiple insurance types you will need to cover the services you provide. If a client sues over the service you provided, it may not be covered under a regular policy. Our package will include the typical insurance’s you probably already have business property, general liability and professional liability coverage, but we can also offer worker’s compensation to the policy if it fits your needs.
-Property Insurance – As it states cover your building if it is damaged, but can also cover equipment failure or lost income.
-General Liability Insurance - Liability coverage for property or bodily injury from a third party. It will also cover you customer if they trip and are injured on or in your property.
-Professional Liability Insurance – This will protect you if claims arise from the actual services provided.
-Worker's Compensation Insurance – Is used to cover your employees in case they are injured on the job
Like any retail sector, Tatoo Artist Insurance has its own dynamics and demands. So whether your business concentrates solely on your core trade, or whether you are evolving and diversifying to remain competitive in a busy industry Commercial Insurance Marketing Corp aims to provide flexible levels of coverage that is so important in your profession.